Introduction: In the vibrant state of Tamil Nadu, the cooperative sector has emerged as a powerful force driving economic growth and empowerment. Led by visionary entrepreneurs and dedicated individuals, cooperatives have played a significant role in transforming various industries and fostering inclusive development. In this article, we have the privilege of hearing from Dr Akshay Kamble, the esteemed founder of Adeace Private Limited, a renowned organization that has been at the forefront of promoting cooperative start-up businesses across the globe. Join us as Dr Akshay Kamble shares his insights into the remarkable journey of the cooperative sector in the state and highlights its impact on economic progress and community empowerment.
Here are some of the key facts about the Cooperative Sector in Tamil Nadu:
- Tamil Nadu has the highest number of registered Cooperative Societies in India, with over 1.60 lakh societies and more than 2 crore members.
- The Cooperative Sector in Tamil Nadu operates in various sectors, including agriculture, dairy, handloom, fisheries, housing, and consumer goods.
- The Tamil Nadu Cooperative Milk Producers’ Federation (TCMPF), popularly known as Aavin, is one of the most successful dairy cooperatives in the country, with a turnover of over Rs. 5,000 crores.
- The Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank (TNSC Bank) is the largest in the country, with a network of over 4,000 branches.
- The Tamil Nadu Handloom Weavers’ Cooperative Society (Co-optex) is a leading producer and exporter of handloom products, with a strong presence in both domestic and international markets.
- The Tamil Nadu Cooperative Marketing Federation (TNFDC) is a major player in the consumer goods sector, with a focus on food products, textiles, and handicrafts.
- The Tamil Nadu Cooperative Union (TNCU) is responsible for the overall development of the Cooperative Sector in the state, with a focus on promoting self-reliance and sustainability.
- The Cooperative Sector in Tamil Nadu has played a crucial role in promoting financial inclusion, with many rural and urban poor benefiting from access to credit and other financial services.
- The Tamil Nadu government has been actively promoting the Cooperative Sector, with various schemes and initiatives to support the growth and development of Cooperative Societies in the state.
- The Cooperative Sector in Tamil Nadu has the potential to contribute significantly to the state’s economic growth and development, with a focus on promoting innovation, entrepreneurship, and sustainability.
In conclusion, the Cooperative Sector in Tamil Nadu has a rich history and plays a significant role in promoting economic growth and development in the state. With its diversified operations, a strong presence in various sectors, and focus on self-reliance and sustainability, the Cooperative Sector in Tamil Nadu has immense potential to contribute to the state’s economic growth and development.